Query failed:
SELECT e.id, e.title, e.timestamp, e.comments, e.exflag, e.authorid, e.trackbacks, e.isdraft, e.allow_comments, e.last_modified, a.realname AS author, a.username AS loginname, a.email , e.body, e.extended FROM serendipity_entries AS e LEFT JOIN serendipity_authors a ON e.authorid = a.authorid LEFT JOIN serendipity_entrycat ec ON e.id = ec.entryid LEFT JOIN serendipity_category c ON ec.categoryid = c.categoryid LEFT JOIN serendipity_authorgroups AS acl_a ON acl_a.authorid = 0 LEFT JOIN serendipity_access AS acl_acc ON ( acl_acc.artifact_mode = 'read' AND acl_acc.artifact_type = 'category' AND acl_acc.artifact_id = c.categoryid ) WHERE isdraft = 'false' AND e.timestamp <= 1743210000 AND ( c.categoryid IS NULL OR ( acl_acc.groupid = 0) OR ( acl_acc.artifact_id IS NULL ) ) GROUP BY e.id ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 11/ Incorrect file format 'a'