Test CGI capabilities

C test:


Perl tests:


Lua tests:


Method of form:


Hiddens Sic! <input type="hidden" name="ThisIsATest">
<input type="hidden" name="AValue" value="10">
<select name="ComboBox" title="Four choices"></code>
<option value="First" selected>First choice</option>
<option value="Second" selected>Second choice</option>
<option value="Third">Third choice<option>
<option>No value</option>
CheckBoxes One option
Another option
Last option
<input type="checkbox" name="CheckBox 1" value="CB One">One option
<input type="checkbox" name="CheckBox 2" value="CB Two" checked>Another option
<input type="checkbox" name="CheckBox 3" value="CB Three">Last option
ListBox <select name="ListBox" size="3" title="Three choices">
<option value="First">First choice</option>
<option value="Second" selected>Second choice</option>
<option value="Third">Third choice</option>
RadioButtons One exclusive option
Another exclusive option
Last exclusive option

One exclusive option
Another exclusive option
Last exclusive option
<input type="radio" name="RadioButton*1" value="RB One">One exclusive option
<input type="radio" name="RadioButton*1" value="RB Two" checked>Another exclusive option
<input type="radio" name="RadioButton*1" value="RB Three">Last exclusive option

<input type="radio" name="RadioButton/2" value="RB One">One exclusive option
<input type="radio" name="RadioButton/2" value="RB Two" checked>Another exclusive option
<input type="radio" name="RadioButton/2" value="RB Three">Last exclusive option
Text and Password Type anything:
<input type="text" name="Free Text" value="Default text" size="20" maxlength="30">
<input type="password" name="Password" value="" size="10" maxlength="10" title="Data isn't displayed here">
TextArea <textarea name="TextArea" rows="8" cols="20" title="Type multiline data here"></textarea>
Buttons Image button:
This button does nothing!
Fill password & textarea:
Reset to default values:
Submit this form:
<input type="image" alt="Glass Button" src="Button_Glass.gif" border="0" value="Send" title="Send">
<input type="button" value="aa" title="Useless button">
<input type="button" value="Pwd" onClick="Fill()" title="Click me several times">
<input type="file" value="FileUpload" title="Give me this file!">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" title="Clear the form!">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" title="Send this!">

A multipart form to test file upload:

File upload: